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Posts Tagged ‘Discovery Group’

The age-old argument over whether women or men are better drivers has reached a stalemate: just as many studies proving that the former is better behind the wheel prove the same about the latter. Surprisingly, a new standard by which good drivers can be judged has emerged: the overall state of your health.

The research was conducted by Discovery Insure, the short-term insurance division of the Discovery Group. The data came from their Vitalitydrive program, which offered members cash back on their fuel and enabled them to save on their car insurance as an incentive to drive better.discovery vitality

The research pointed toward the fact that members who visited gyms more often, ate better and utilised the travel and lifestyle rewards that their Vitality membership offers them are often the most careful drivers, and also tend to submit less hail damage claims after a storm.

This, Adrian Gore, the Group Chief Executive of Discovery Group, was probably due to people fitting this profile being more cautious as a general rule. As a result, they were a much lower risk for the insurer.

If you are a Discovery Vitality member, you might be able to save on your car insurance premiums as well through signing up for Vitalitydrive. You could even earn up to 50% back on your fuel expensive as a reward for driving carefully.

But how does Discovery Insure keep track of your driving habits? The age of technology enables us to do amazing things, and Discovery exploits this fact to its fullest by installing a tracking module called DQ-Track in your vehicle.

“Your DQ-Track will measure your braking, acceleration, cornering, speeding, distance and late night driving,” according to the Vitalitydrive website. What’s more, Discovery Insure does not charge you anything extra to install the DQ-Track module. It is all included in your Vitality membership fee.

The DQ-Track (DQ stands for Driver Quotient) enables you to earn points every time you drive safely. But in addition to that, Discovery offers DQ points if you correctly complete driving safety questionnaires, take driving courses, keep your vehicle’s service history up to date and pass Tiger Wheel and Tyre’s annual Multipoint Check. The more points you have, the greater the rewards (ie. the cheaper your car insurance).

DQ-Track also allows your vehicle to be tracked anywhere in South Africa should it be stolen, as well as a whole range of other safety features. Discovery Insure is hasty to offer assurances that no DQ-Track data will have any bearing on a claim you file, though. The only details verified through DQ-Track is the time and the place of the incident.

Fuel rewards on the program relate specifically to BP fuel and you can start claiming rewards almost immediately after joining the Vitalitydrive program. If you take into account how much fuel costs these days, indirectly saving on your car insurance through this mechanism is an invaluable way to get your premium down.

Save on your car insurance premium, your fuel costs, become a better driver and live a healthier lifestyle. It seems like a win-win situation, no matter which way you look at it, especially seeing that you can join the Vitalitydrive program for as little is R40 per month.


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